I enrolled in a bootcamp course at UC Berkeley that lasted only a week before Spring 2022. The course grouped together students from diverse backgrounds into teams of four to five. Our current CEO pitched an idea to help Gen Z learn how to become entrepreneurs by turning their passions and hobbies into a business. People could create or watch videos on how to turn certain passions, such as thrifting, into a profitable business from those their own age. I became the lead designer for our project and designed a working onboarding prototype for both learners and educators in less than one week while we built our startup and worked on pitching on the last day of our bootcamp.
- Role: Lead Designer in a startup team of five. Had to work on making our product look at feel marketable for Gen-Z audiences
- Timeline: 1 Week (Before Fall 2022 Semester)
- Focus: Web Design, Marketing, & Interaction
- Tools: Figma and
- Deliverables: Working prototypes of pitched startup, and currently building Beta verisons of our current deliverable, a launch website with introduction materials from our CEO, Jai.
We were set to launch around 2023 however due to our team being in different locations after a while working on the project, we ended up haulting the project. Due to that I would still love to share what I built with my team. All designs are completely created by me only since our team is very multidisplinary and I was the sole designer.

Our orginal onboarding page before launching our “getting ready for launch” site.
The design of the website uses elements of glass morphism, a design trend, to appeal to Gen Z and give a feeling of transperancy. Gradient tones make the site feel softer and comforting. 3D illustration elements give the site a more playful feel while fitting with the dynamic of glass morphism’s dimensional effect.

Log In Screen.

Choose your adventure! A concept we hope to implement in the future to allow people to not just learn but to also teach on our platform. The goal is to allow a user to upload their own course without a designer or devloper formatting their materials.

Potential homepage to sign up for NeoNiche.

Potential homepage for those enrolled in NeoNiche as a student.